🖤✨️ Rebecca Yarros Onyx Storm us a GORGEOUS Hardback Book with Sprayed Edges, and FASCINATING Dragons & A Search for Anundarrna's Family!✨️🖤
Seriously, three days after I finished it I'm still sitting here kind of staring at the wall wondering how I got to the end.
The book is excellent, I enjoyed it more than I enjoyed Iron Flame but I think it moved slower and faster in certain parts. Rebecca Yarros is FABULOUS, and the only two parts that really made me cry we won't talk about here, but they truly made me the saddest I've felt (for me) since Liam. I'm glad the sex scenes were downplayed in this book, I just think it's unnecessary and SPECIFICALLY for Onyx Storm Violet and Xaden really don't need it. I'm also going to give three thumbs up for what I consider to be the growth between Xaden and Violet specifically, and in certain parts the side characters. I thought Riddoc and Cat both grew an immeasurable amount, and I was very pleased for them.
I think Xaden's "Ride or Die" pals didn't really grow enough, and maybe that's because we have two books left, so they have space left, or maybe they're just going to continue to be moronic twatwaffles throughout the series and I really hope not bc that will make me sad for them.
And finally you can ask how I can explain some of the characters this way, and still give Onyx Storm 5⭐️, I think stars are very subjective and as long as I enjoyed the book so much that I'd re-read it, and that I don't find so many editorial issues than I think Yarros earned a 5.
If you haven't already, grab your copy today!!!
🌩️ rebeccayarros.com/onyxstorm 🌩️
#RebeccaYarros #Empyrean3 #VioletAndXaden #TyrrendorProvence #IridsandAnundarrna #HuntingProvences #QuestSquad #RiddocAndCat
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