💗💍 Poignant, Everlasting Love!!💍💗 

Stephanie Rose has written one of the best Own Voices books ive read this year representing Chronic Illness in all its various  signs and symptoms with Lupus as the focus for her Chronic Illness. 

But there's so much more!! Julie and Landon are one of my favorite couples this year, they’re both so strong, learning how to deal with a serious illness, a brand new facet to a relationship that has been different for twenty years, and new concerns as Landon's job shifts from one place to the next.

"Sick was what I’d been back in February. Now I was just different. But different didn’t have to mean less."

Julie has avoided facetiming Landon for months as her body has changed just so she didnt have to explain the full ramifications of her new illness, trying not to freak him out. But as soon as she shows up in Vegas for a friends wedding, Landon takes one look at the stress in her eyes and demands to know what is wrong.

Julie then doesn’t tell the complete truth all at once, she's just trying to piece meal out the bad information, but by the next morning Landon has spent a sleepless night terrifying himself with WebMD and google, as one does. He then demands the full truth from Julie and is stunned to hear there is even more bad news, not with her health - but her job!

Landon comes up with a plan, but it's just to take care of Julie. She's been his best friend for twenty years, how could he not? Except that as soon as he sees her in that little chapel his heart takes over, and any chance at remaining just friends is gone forever. Now how does he convinve Julie to become more with him?

"I’d never believed “the one” existed until I’d married her—and then I’d realized that she’d been there all along."

There are so many pieces to this book that are just so sweet, i cried, I cheered when Landon took Julie's back while she was confronting Nate, but most of all, i was comforted that he was right there. Every time she needed him, and even in the spaces when she thought she didn’t. 

The side characters, or 'found family' in The Marriage Solution is just wonderful! Between Julie's neighbors, Dean and his wife and their Nana, and Landon's father and fiance, they just surround them with so much extra love it's endearing.

This book was exactly what I needed when I read it, so inspiring, such a balm to the soul for anyone living with a Chronic Illness, and incredibly hot and sexy on top of everything else - it was nice to see a book where a person with a disability didn't lose their sex drive. I absolutely needed this book in my life, thank you Stephanie Rose for such a poignant story!

💍 1-click here: https://mybook.to/srtms 💍

#StephanieRoseAuthor #TWSSP #TheMarriageSolution #JulieAndLandon #MarriageOfConvenience #FriendsToLovers #FakeVegasWedding #ChronicIllnessRep #ForcedProximity #HeFallsFirst 


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