☆☆☆☆Four Spicy Stars for my first book from Sarah Bailey!!☆☆☆☆

I will start off by saying this book ends in a cliffhanger, it's one of a four part series, but that doesn't mean this doesn't read like a full novel because it absolutely does.

Scarlett has retrograde amnesia, and has been sent in to Fortuity as a sort of PA by her "adoptive" family to help take down the Four Horsemen. Scarlett is really only happy to help in this endeavor because it is the only way she knows to regain her freedom.

The Four Hoursemen


West - War

Prescott - Pestilence


These men are beyond HOTTT, and if you haven't guessed by now this is a Reverse Harem. Drake is the most severe in attitude, expecting obedience from Scarlett almost immediately, Prescott is the most playful and also the most heartfelt emotional ~ but that does not mean he isn't his own brand of manipulative. 

West seems right now to be the most violent, and the most confrontational with Scarlett, but this being the first book that might change. Francis is the one I felt most information was hidden from me throughout this book, so I'm hoping to get more in the upcoming novel.

There are elements of breath play, blood play, knife play, dubcon - though I wouldn't go far enough to call any of it noncon - Scarlett seems to be enjoying herself just as much as the guys are!!

Four ultrspicy stars for Carnage! I loved the DARK aspects, the jealous/possessive traits of all four men, and this is my favorite kind of RH in that all four guys are in the room at the same time, and I love, LOVE the k*nky elements. If you like this kind of k*nky bedroom play than the Four Horsemen series is for you!!

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