“We are artists,” she quotes softly, her eyes set on mine. “When there is no joy to be found, we have the power in our hands, the will of our souls, to make it.”


 Reel isn't just a love story, it is a story of family. Not just one family, but many families. Dessi Blues family, Neeva's family amd the disaster she found so early in life, Canon's family - both with his mother and his found family, and all the way these families love each other amd can still hurt each other so badly.

Every Kennedy Ryan novel draws me in, and I find myself lost, hours later, in love with her words, her settings, the beauty of her love for each character, even those I didn't want to like, it is absolutely impossible not to be drawn into Reel and see the movie unfold behind my eyes.

All the stars for the powerful beauty in this multifaceted world Kennedy has created and drown me in, there are not enough words for this stunner!!

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