☆☆☆Achingly Sublime!!☆☆☆

Wow!! Marley Valentine broke my heart open, only to heal it completely with that beautiful ending! The title to this book is perfection, there were SO MANY paragraphs where my heart ACHED for Gael and Jordan!

There are so many overwhelming feelings throughout Ache between both Jordan, and Gael. I felt as though Jordan had punished Gael for all those early years, but when he finally laid out the words I could totally understand why he'd been pushing him away. 

Gael, man dang! How many lifetimes can one man be punished through? It just feels like he cannot win, but when he finally has the conversations he needs to, it feels as though the skies cleared immediately for him. 

I almost held my breath during the last two paragraphs leading up to the end, but Marley Valentine absolutely blew it out of the water!! A beautiful, sublime ending with family in the perfect place, and love abounding!! 

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