Southern Seducer is so well written I could see home in my mind every time I closed my eyes. And who falls in love with the couple within the first couple pages? Both of them? But Beau and Bel are just the best, imperfectly perfect.

That moment, that first kiss was violent almost and beautiful. But watching Beau pull away from Bel hurt so bad, I don't know his reasons yet, but I can feel her pain as a single mom, a divorcee, the rejection she's already had to live with, Beau's may hurt the worst.

One of the best things, hands down about Jessica Peterson's books, is the food. Field peas, with ham, rice pilau with garden greens, a small hummingbird cake, decorated with cream cheese frosting and topped with crumbled pecans, they all make my mouth water just hearing her describe them.

So much of the greatness of this book is the imperfection of the couple. Bel and Beau trying to work out what works for them, both flailing in their depression but not in a way that makes you wallow with them. When Bel tells Beau to stay with her and the Chef during their cooking lesson, and somehow makes it fun anyway, it's just lovely.

Jessica put the very best of herself and her love for food, and everything beautiful about the South in one gorgeous book. I loved every page, through the tears, the lube, and the best whiskey made. I'm in love with the Beuregards and Blue Mountain Farm!


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