Rewriting history is hard, making sure you tell ALL the truth is a must.

“Being a woman can feel like a burden. But it’s not a burden. It’s a gift. It’s on our backs that every single man in existence has stood to reach adulthood. The burden comes when they expect us to be happy being stools.”

I am still floored by Stone and Regan's love, and by Dylan's ability to show us from beginning to end, what friendship should look like for each of us every day.

It is still hard in this day and age to write an age gap love story wherein the man plays the younger love interest, and we don't spend the next 300 pages castigating the woman for being a slimy bitch, but there's no need to do that here. Regan does enough of it herself, trying to protect Stone from page one, but as Dylan said she represents all women. How many of us question what we are doing down to the final second of our day more than 30x a day? I know I do.

This book is unforgettable, and I swallowed it in one sitting!! Regan is a wrathful, avenging angel, once she gets out of her own head, and Stone is the best warrior she could have asked to be by her side. Not JUST a love story between a man and his woman, but between a woman, her mother and daughter, and the sacrifices we make to protect each other all along, even if it feels like we'll never take a clean breath again.

Do whatever you have to to clear your schedule to read The Jezebel. Dylan Allen has given us an unexpected, powerfully creative gift wrapped up in Regan Wilde's story, and it deserves your undivided attention and at least six stars.


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