🖤🌺Holy motherclucker y'all!! Jessica Gadziala is bringing us the 8th book in The Professionals series, The Client! And the couple? Forget about it!! Wasp and Fenway are going to be PERFECT for each other, and AMAZING together!🌺🖤

🖤🌺The conwoman and the f@ck up, The Client, #ComingSoon!🌺🖤

Make sure you add The Client to your TBR here:

Original post, and teaser from Jessica Gadziala, used with permission.

Okay. It is time to announce the next book! Squee! Are you ready for this? I have been sitting on this for, gosh, years at this point. Waiting to see if any of you guys saw how PERFECT this couple would be. I've brought the idea of this one up to my ARC team a while back, asking if this should be a standalone, or if I should include it in the Professionals series even though the main character isn't a team member. It was a resounding "absolutely" to the series, so here we are. The next Professionals book. "The Client." Come on, you guys know who THE client is by now, right? Fenway. Our favorite fuck-up.

Now, who is his lady, you might be wondering?

Wasp. YES. THAT Wasp. The conwoman who specializes in clients who have done women wrong in some way or another. Paired with a man who has caused multiple international scandals over women. Are you starting to see the epicness of this couple?

I am so beyond excited for this one. So much so that I made this edit this morning because I was so inspired.


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