Kai and Rhyson meet in one of his Uncle Grady's music rooms where Rhy is playing. Kai is absolutely stunned, but she's barely breathing just then so she can't even explain the feeling.

Rhy knows that Kai is the only girl he wants for the rest of forever, but he had no real role models growing up so he keeps screwing things up over and over.

Finally Kai has had enough, she's jumping on the chance to do the job she loves, and screw Rhyson Grey if he thinks she's giving him another chance after his last bid to control her life!

A strong, sweet novel with a cast of characters that have been hurt through loss and a need for control their entire lives. Rhyson believes he's doing the best for Kai by controlling all the avenues he can, not understanding that the last step may have shoved him off an edge he won't recover from. A 4 star treat for sure!


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