๐ŸŒบ The Sexiest and Most Revealing of The Entire Alchemy Series... and my FAVORITE!!๐ŸŒบ

  "Ask yourself what you want, and then give yourself permission to go and f***ing find it." - Aida

Untether is probably my favorite out of Elodie Hart's entire series so far!! And even she mentioned, there's no death, no parting from the Church, no over abundance of Grief - just a yummy , HAWT book to get locked in reading these beautiful characters, and it should be SO MUCH FUN!! 

I loved Cal and Aida's fragility though. Cal's not really fragile, except and unless he thinks he's meant to be going "dirty-lite" and he kind of loses his way and goes ALL IN, all at once, and then he's of course worried about having hurt Aida while Aida's begging for more at that level. 

I adored Aida's honesty! Yes there are huge, Carnivรกl scenes where everyone gets down and dirty at Alchemy, but I honestly think those scenes where theyre alone in each other’s bedrooms after Aida's told Cal all about the issues with her ex, John, and even the truth about perimenopause and brain fog. 

Holy ZOMG, the bedroom scenes with Cal's blue jeans, y'all, really there was nothing hotter to me! And then him walking down the street in a damn balaclava?? I might not get off on that in real life, but on the page? HOLY OH EM GEEE, Elodie!!

"The heat blooms and blooms and floods me before catapulting me over the edge into a black-red galaxy. I fall and fall and fall through time and space, past stars and moons, taking and taking as he stiffens and roars and jerks out his own spectacular space odyssey before collapsing, spent, on top of me, his hand releasing my face so he can kiss my jaw, my cheek, over and over and over."

 - This is the closest I've seen an Author write about sub-space, and the beauty of it is divine!! It is one of the most beautifully crafted pieces I've seen written in several years, and I'm so thrilled that Ms. Hart chose to share it with us.

Beyond that, I was very happy to see so little of the third-act breack up, why did we spend years being made miserable by that angst? Aida did an amazing job sticking up for herself when she was finally able to have a quiet moment alone to think about it.

‘I want,’ she says slowly, a tiny furrow appearing between her eyebrows, ‘to find the courage to enjoy this process without feeling endlessly beholden to a million parties.’ - this might be the only part where there's a tiny bit of 'will they or wont they' angst, but dont worry Elodie isnt going to let you down!! 

And I understood that feeling from Aida so much because don't we all just want to enjoy a part of our lives without feeling like there are eleventybillion people wanting something from us?

Five ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for Elodie Hart's Untether, only because I'd give it eight if I could!!

๐ŸŒถ๐ŸŒถ๐ŸŒถ๐ŸŒถ๐ŸŒถ๐ŸŒถ - the spice is off the charts in this one, it is deffo NSFW, but so very good!! My very favorite kind of spice!!

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#ElodieHart #Untether #CalAndAida #Alchemy4 #ParadiseLostAndParadiseFound #SubmissiveDominant #ReverseAgeGap #Balaclava #Carnival #Cuffs #Rope #Bondage 


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