♡♡♡The Second-Chance Slow Burn To Melt Your Heart!!♡♡♡

   I finished Max Monroe's The REDO last night, and I cannot tell y'all when I have laughed harder this year!! Maria Baros and Remy Winslow had me laughing so hard at one point I was snorting, when Maria said "My assistant is a curdled cheese bag"!!! 😂😂😂

Maria is carrying her sister's baby, and a long, long time ago in a land far away (say... high school) she used to be in love with a really cute guy named Remington Winslow. Unfortunately a lot of stuff happens to Maria between high school and right now, which is the second time she's been trapped in a stupid, STUPID elevator with Remy Winslow, but they both seem to be handling it like the pro's they are!!

Remy Winslow CANNOT believe he's trapped in this elevator with Maria again. He doesn't really care what's getting ready to happen because all he can hear ringing in his ears is fortune teller Cleo telling him he was going to have to open himself to love for real this time! 

Remington Winslow is my absolute favorite of the Winslow family. Yeah, he might have taken longer to dump his baggage than the rest of them, but his understanding of his niece Lexi and his sweet relationship with his sister Winnie just got me. I adored his need to do things for Maria and baby Izzie, service was definitely his love language and not in a gross I scratch your back, you scratch mine kind of way!!

The relationship between Maria and Remy, how they just clicked backed to each other, it was so sweet and SUPER SEXY once they finally got there!! I thought this was a beautiful almost slow burn, with everyone kind of trying to hustle them along and the two of them holding off until they were definitely ready.

The side characters were so cute, the bromances between the brothers and how everyone was trying to love up on Maria, I just thought it was absolutely adorable!! I don't know if we'll ever get to see second generation Winslows, but I think that would be super awesome!! 

5/5 ⭐'s

7/5 🌶's

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