☆☆☆Crow & Morgaine are two of my favorite characters of Jessica Gadziala's since Wolf and Janie!!☆☆☆

    Shady Valley Henchmen are so much fun to revisit, I loved Judge and Delaney so it stands to reason I'd love the characters that come next, but I wasn't expecting Crow this early. It doesn't mean that I wasnt ecstatically happy to see his name on the cover though, he is the perfect kind of Anti-hero for me!

Crow is dark, and not just in the "I sell guns for my MC" kind of way. He had the kind of early life that turned certain parts of his brain dark, and there is no recovering from that. And I'm ok with that. I love the kind of DARK character that occasionally gets dragged along into a situation that needs a little more violence than the average Shady Valley Henchmen might dole out, but I don't think he was planning for anyone like Morgaine!!

Morgaine is my favorite kind of dark and beautiful FMC. I mean how many times do you encounter a contract killer that doesn't do it for the money, but instead does it for the 1 in 3 of us that suffer daily with the constant reminders of being attacked and hurt? I love those dark characters that are not rehabilitated, it's ok to be an Anti-heroine for the rest of this characters life!!

And also her name? That's a blast from the way back! I love that Ms.Gadziala went all the way to Arthurian legend for not only her name, but what Morgaine was supposedly known for - poisoning her enemies. Morgaine doesn't come to play, if you meet her in a dark alley be prepared to spend the night in the drs office taking some activated charcoal to make sure you're not damaged for life!

The secondary characters are just as wicked, Nyx and Slash are still dancing their dance - why do they both clam up when either one hears their name?? And I'd love, LOVE to eventually have a book about Dr. Pierce! I know he SEEMS like the good Doctor, but I feel like he's hiding something VERY dark, but maybe he's just a normal doctor that needs to fall in love with a normal woman like Marnie?!?

That epilogue?? WOW!! Ms. Gadziala knocked that one out of the park, it might be my favorite since Cash and Lo, I love that it wasn't a traditional man loves woman, man and woman get married ending. For more, you'll have to get there yourself - maybe you need hundreds of little chocolates to guide you on your way!

5/5 ⭐'s

5/5 🌶's

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