☆☆☆King Jace and the immortal scientist??☆☆☆

Wow, just WOW! Can I say I'm  shocked and stunned by everything that went down in Kingly Bitten?? I really just expected to figure out where Cam was, and end the series, but OMG am I glad that Ms. Foss decided to entice me into a wild goose chase filled with all the yummy vampiric sexiness she could muster!

Calina is amazing as the researcher Lillith has been giving all this information to for the last 130+ years!! Sexy, stubborn, and wickedly smart, I loved watching her go head-to-head with Jace, and sometimes Darius as well! She has all this information, but doesn't really realize she has it because Lillith has spent all this time breaking her spirit over and over. Can she find out who the new liege is before the last bunker is destroyed?

Jace, mmmm... what can I say about Jace?? It was absolutely lovely to see him finally respond in a way other than bored. He has always been super sexy, but I was worried I would be bored by his stoicism in the end. Fear not!! Lexi Foss found his heart and helped it grow three times its size, and heaven help me is he HOT as the jealous/possessive guy on a tear because someone dared touch who he thought was his. And I do mean HOT!! Lexi Foss's sex scenes might require you to come equipped with a new pair of panties, they're so damn spicy! 

I was not at all prepared for the maze through the light fantastic we were required to trip through to find the new liege, but if you're like me, you'll figure out pretty quickly someone is always betraying someone else, and it does not matter how dead Lillith is, or how whip smart Calina is, Lillith still has one hand on the controls - even if she IS in a refrigerator somewhere.

 I love, LOVE this kind of suspense, and Kingly Bitten is one of my favorite books for September!!

5/5 ⭐'s

5/5 🌶's scale, Lexi C. Foss has managed to write my favorite kind of vampires and werewolves every time over the last two years, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. 

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