WOW!! Kimberly Kincaid can write some Heroes I hate, LOL!!

I'll say now that I adore Kellan now, so don't get too worried, but it did take me a hot minute! I thought his over the top anger with Moreno's past sins was unnecessary and rigid, and his refusal to leave her alone when she obviously knows how to do her job was again a little borderline overprotective, but I was proven very wrong when a very bad man came out of the wood work jamming for Moreno almost from the beginning. And this bad guy is more than just a stage 1 clinger!

Kellan proves himself very quickly to NOT be the over the top jerk I thought he was by taking Moreno's back in a variety of unseemly situations, but neither one of them can keep from drawing the attention of the ultimate bad guy in this book. Kellan is smart, sexy, and just wants to make sure he doesn't miss something which is very hard to do with a bad guy creepier than I've seen in probably the last five suspense books I've read!

Kincaids Skin Deep is amazingly fast-paced and had me backing up several pages a few times to make sure I didn't  miss a single piece of any evidence. Mixed in is the sweet coming together of Kellan and Moreno, and sharing their stories with each other, opening those boxes together never did look so good! All this topped off with fires, one of the creepiest bad guys I've seen in a hot minute, and some incredibly HOT SEX ensures that I'll be lining up for whatever Kincaid writes next!!


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