4 stars for this AMAZEBALLS piece of non-stop action from Jessica Ames!!

Lucy shows up at the Untamed Sons clubhouse driving her car through the gates, covered in her bosses blood and gore, having barely escaped being shot in the head head herself. She knows she needs to tell Rav and Nox the truth about who's after her, but the fear that they'll believe she's just as bad as him keeps her quiet, even when she knows she's betraying the good she did protecting Sasha and Lily-May for years.

Nox tells Lucy the club is going to find the men who killed her boss, and injured her, after all they owe her for keeping Sasha and Lily-May safe for years, he just has no idea who is really looking for her, and by the time he finds out, he and Lucy will have taken so many steps toward each other it will mean some awful things for the club. 

This book is a non-stop roller coaster ride from beginning to end with Nox and Lucy trapped in a coaster car unable to get off the ride, and the entire club melting down around them, but it is incredibly fun, super sex, and toped off with the cherry that is Nox being sweet every time he's around Lucy!! I could just squeeze him!!  


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