Delicious, Glorious, and Soul Satisfying!!!

Author A.M. Johnson has landed in my top five for the second year in a row! Jax and Wild are beyond beautiful, possibly the most grown, flawed characters Johnson has written. These men made me fall in love with them on their journey to peace and acceptance.

Jax left Wilder a long time ago, never giving Wild the chance to know what happened, good or bad. Stuck in a position so many of us have seen, responsible for problems that should never have been his responsibility, Jax has been unable to grow past that boy Wild knew at Eastchester.

Wild has both the good and bad. Being out and proud so early in his life he didn't have to hide certain parts of himself. The bad side being that there will always be those that disagree with the decisions we make in our lives, and Wild's parents abandonment coupled with Jax ghosting him for so long, caused Wild to build barriers to really trusting anyone.

The push and pull in this book is delicious, that feeling in my gut, worrying whether these two beautiful men could grow past handicaps and boundaries learned at an essential part of their lives, but every piece is worth it. The changes Johnson wrenches through each of them are glorious, and soul satisfying, you'll just have to read it and see for yourself. Well worth 6 stars!!


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