Beautiful and Tragic, Romeo and Luna drew me in in the first scene!

It is not easy to read books like these where the H is mentally ill, and belongs to a seriously effed up crime family and the h has been mishandled her entire life, but M.N. Forgy truly made it a beautiful journey for me.

Romeo and Luna are such a special couple, and when they each realize where they know each other from the book honestly just grew three times in size for me at that point.

Romeo realizing that it's not that he doesn't have a heart, just that he was afraid to show it to anyone else after he and Luna had been torn apart years earlier. That he is willing to give her whatever she wants after a lifetime of being denied, and I'm not talking just shoes here ok? He truly wants to help Luna heal from a lifetime of horror. 

Luna is one of my favourite heroines of 2020! That she is able to look at the situation she just came from and realize what needs to make sure at least that one circle of hell is shut down and cannot hurt another woman again. She doesn't remain beat down. She is a WARRIOR!! Acknowledging that there will still be years of pain after this, Luna still steps up to be a complete partner in helping Romeo kill of this evil.

5 beautiful stars for M.N. Forgy's Beautiful Thief! I can't wait to read more from this new to me author, I loved her word usage and her flower analogies, an absolutely gorgeous new book! 


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